Best way to avoid internet troll

Nowadays, internet troll has become a common phenomenon in everyone's life.
Internet trolls can be anything, theycan be offensive, irritating and disturbing. They are meant to be avoided because our even little attention to these internet trolls can disturb our normal life. Internet trolls is kind of bullying or taunting someone and it is very important for us to learn the ways for dealing them. We must try to handle the troll instead of frustrating ourself. Face the situation with free and sharp mind.when you are being trolled you need to response quickly to suppress it but not foolishly.

They are done intentionally in order to hurt someone, so for ignoring them we should keep a few things in our mind like

(a) your first response must be of reporting the troll to the administrator or to the site owner as spam.

(b) We must be awareof its basic meaning and impacts.
(c) We ourselves must not do anything intentionally in order to hurt someone. because the person behind the phone have same feelings and emotions like us.

(d) wisely choose the content for posting,it should not be inappropriate.
(e) don't response a troll with a bad troll.
(f) Don't behave idiotically handle the situation calmly.
(g)stop arguing and keep your self away from that site for a few days.
(h) don't post anything with carelessness and don't provide them a platform to troll you.
(I) Troll activities upon you will stop only if you keep yourself away from it and don't try to pok.

(j) Getting rid of the troll sometimes force you to jump into the fire then at that time you must act like water instead of being furious.

So, never forget internet trolls are the plants of our own seeds so always choose while bowing.

