Travel means exploring places, visiting from one place to another, going on trip, journey, or to travel for pleasure.

You can get so much simply by exploring different places. By travelling you can include plenty of things to your dairy by capturing all the memories which you felt and enjoyed throughout your journey.

At the end of every trip you would be having friends to share, experience to improve and stories to narrate.

When you will start your journey,in the way you will get so many things to learn about culture , lifestyle ,tradition and custom which will add on the positive things in you.

By travelling you can throw away all your tensions and problems and will surely come out with a better solution. It will overall improve your mental health and will help you in enhancing your knowledge and creativity.

Travelling helps you to find yourself. The more you explore your journey the more you get to know about the world.

Therefore, you need to take time out from your daily busy schedule for finding the true you. By forgetting everyday pressure, allow your life to witness the happiness for once.

Travelling has a good value in itself. Firstly, you would witness the beauty of the nature by your own eyes. During your journey, you will come across different culture, customs,and habits. There you will not only learn, but you will get so many things to adopt.

There are so much that you will acquire during your trips , few of them are:-
1. You will start behaving socially and it will help in improving your communication skills.
2. No doubt, there you will find peace of mind.
3. Chance to explore new things.
4. Helps in boosting your confidence level.
5. last but not the least , it will also help you in creating unforgettable memories.

Travelling is worth more than all the knowledge, that you gain from books. Books will provide you limited knowledge, But throughout your trip , you will explore your knowledge too.

