Nowadays a good nights sleep is overrated. Sleeping well affects your mental and physical health directly and also the quality of life you spend awake. With the tossing and turning we do at night, it effects our energy levels, productivity, emotional balance and even your weight. We may think the solution to this lifestyle neccessity might be very complex to acheive, but it isn't. The solution in putting a stop to your unstable sleep pattern is simple yet important to lead a happier and healthier life. With enough hours of sleep you will not only feel refreshed but more productive, energetic, mentally sharp and focus, and emotionally balanced. You just have to make a few daytime habit and nighttime routine changes.

Same time Bedtime
The quality of your sleep is determined by your Sleep-Wake cycle. Getting in sync with your body's natural Sleep-Wake cycle is the first and foremost step to sleeping better. It is very important that you understand that your body also has a natural clock and if you do not follow your natural clock you won't be able to get regular good amount of sleep. It is best to go to bed and wake up on a specific time, That way you will feel refreshed and also have a healthy mind and body. Altering one or two hours prior or after your regular sleeping time with disrupt your sleep-wake cycle.

Typically Weeknends are everyone's lazy days, but sleeping in on weekends is still disrupting your cycle overall. Your body doesn't see if its monday or sunday, it has a cycle to be followed no matter what. What happens if you do sleep later than usual on a sunday? That is something everyone is familiar with, the Monday-Grumpiness. It has a jetlag feeling to it , if you do disrupt your cycle. According to research, Napping is a good way to make-up for lost sleep. If you are smart about napping you will feel refreshed but overdoing it is falling for a trap. 15-20 minutes of naps can do wonders. Drowsiness after a full meal is another trap you should never fall into, walk around or get some fresh air after meals so you don't lay down after you have eaten.

Exposure to Light
Your exposure to light should be maximum during daytime and less during nightime. Soak up in that Vitamin D, take any excuse you have to go out and be surrounded with light. It makes you more alert and on your feet. Melatonin is a naturally occuring hormone controlled by light exposure that helps regulating your Sleep-Wake cycle. Your brain secretes melatonin more when its dark hence why you feel sleepy in a dark room and less when there is light hence why you become alert with light exposure.

At night, try to avoid bright-screens 1-2 hours before your bedtime. The blue-light emissited by smart-devices makes your brain alert due to its exposure. Either turn down the brightness or use light- altering softwares. Draw your curtains, turn off that TV or anything that can suprise you into alertness. Making the space where you sleep dark and silent will calm your mind and body. If it is neccessary for you to use light then use a dim- nightstand light, which isn't bright enough to disturb you.

Move your Body
People who exercise regularly sleep better. But the time of your exercise has a big impact too. Moving your body around makes your blood circulation better hence you feel less drowsy and more alert. Exercise speeds up metabolism, elevates body temperature and stimulates hormones like cortisol. Exercise should be done 3 hours before bedtime. You dont need to do any vigorous exercises to get the benefits, just a 10 minute walk around a park daily will do just fine.

Regular Exercise also improves symptoms of insonmia and sleep apnea, it also improves the time you spend in the deep stages of sleep.

Your Diet
What you choose to eat and drink affects your bedtime routine. High amounts of caffeine or smoking could keep you up for hours. Caffeines affect lingers in your body upto 10-12 hours after you have consumed it. Similarily, smoking stimulates your body into being more alert. Avoid alcohol before bed, It may make you blackout but it interferce with your sleep cycle . Eating Big meals or large amounts of refined carbs and sugar can trigger wakefulness at night. Large amounts of fluids late in the afternoon can keep you from reaching the deep stage of your sleep. Repetive bathroom visits will make you lose the sleep you need.

Breathe in and Let it go
Residual stress, anger and worry from the day can make you lose your sleep. If anxiety or chronic worrying consumes you, there are steps you can take to look at the world in a more psitive aspect and few breathing exercises you can do while in bed to feel calmer. Few problems that you aren't the main focus of like stress at work or an argument with a family member makes you stay up at night you may consider stress management. You can learn who to manage your stress more efficiently and maintain a more stable and positive outlook on life.

We may overstress our minds during the day with the fast-paced world we live in that it can be difficult to slow down by night-time. Emails, assignments, social media, and messages consume our minds all day long. Try to take on one task at a time to not overexhaust your minds. Meditation and breathing exercises can make you feel calmer and relaxed. There are many different breathing exercises just to get better sleep.

Sleep Environment
The environment around you decides whether you will break away from a good sleep or not. Loud noises or improper sleep attire can break you away from your sleep. The temperature where you sleep can make a difference too, most people sleep best with the temperature 18 Celsius. Sometimes a uncomfortable mattress or smaller bed is your only problem, maybe its time for a mattress change or a bigger bed ?

By Radhika Kakkar

