This might seem as a topic that would be very useless to talk about really look at it with a keen eye. On such assessment one will find that it is one of the major ways in which people can be alleviated of their sadness and depression. The great questions, "what is the difference between hope and expectation?" and "when should i hope and when should i expect?" will surely help people in understanding matters better so without any further waiting let's just jump right into it.

Hope according
to the dictionary is given as a near synonym of expectation but that is totally
not the case in our practical lives. Hope is when you desire for something to
happen in such and such a way but you don't go out of your way to conclude that
such and such result is bound to occur or a person you know will surely do
something you want of them, hope is like setting the final decision to be made
by the "greater power" but giving your preference of an outcome you
want to have. Kind of like when you fill a form for an institution you list
your preferences of
streams but in the end what you will be getting is to be solely decided by the
institution itself and you have to be satisfied in both getting what you
preferred to get and getting what the university has granted you best. When we
hope we put ourselves in the position that we are not
in control of the happenings around us and what shall then happen
is only for a greater good and we have to then be content about it. Let's now
move on to expectations which is quite on the contrary.

something which has ruined the lives of so many. Have you ever heard the
sentence "i did not expect this from you". Man it's better to stab a
person than to say that i would say. When you expect you develop this mindset
that "this thing which i am thinking of is BOUND to happen and it is
impossible if it does not". That kind of mentality is very toxic for a
person to have and also for the people who associate with that person. Because
we all in some part in our lives have faced the harsh whiplash of not being
able to live up to someone's expectations, whether that be our parents, our off
springs, our soul mates etc. And it is NOT necessary for a person to live up to
someone's expectations and i repeat, it is NOT necessary. Because in the end we
are all human beings, we make errors, we forget, we fumble, we do stupid
things, we mess up, but we also regret the times we do all those previous
things and we also strive to always make ourselves the best we can be, every human
is struggling to be his level best, every human being is trying to live up to
their expectations and they're having a hard time doing that let alone living
up to someone else’s.

in the end we should always hope for the best and keep low expectations or even
no expectations at all from people and the world because if we expect there is
a big chance that we are going to be venerable to disappointment but if we
hope, no matter what happens we will always find a way to be content with the
situation or with people.

