Donald Trump Calls Apple Ceo "Tim Apple"

Tanzil Mahmood
Mar 09, 2019   •  186 views


  • During a meeting in the White House on Wednesday, Trump called Tim Cook “Tim Apple” in public

  • Several social media users and news reports have called it a gaffe for Trump could have “forgotten” the full name of the Apple CEO.

In a meeting of the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board at the White House on Wednesday, Mr. Trump referred to the CEO of Apple as "Tim Apple" instead of Tim Cook. The moment, captured on camera, has now gone viral with millions of views. The meeting was televised by CNBC.

"People like Tim -- you're expanding all over and doing things that I really wanted you to do right from the beginning. I used to say, 'Tim, you gotta start doing it here,' and you really have, you've really put a big investment in our country. We really appreciate it very much, Tim Apple,” Trump said.

Trump has a long history of flubbing people’s names, usually swapping out the first name for something more alliterative. However, he’s never used the nickname “Tim Apple,” and it appears as if it was a slip of the tongue, similar to when he calledLockheed MartinCEO Marillyn Lockheedlast year. Her name is Marillyn Hewson.

It’s hard to say why this happened. Did he forget Cook’s name? Does he only associate people with the companies that they run?

