Some seem to be in a state of boredom always. They complain - this works is boring, that job is boring or that subject is boring. However in fact there is no boring subjects, place or job. There are only people who are bored. A person who is constantly bored become restless and finds it difficult to show any interest in anything.
You are aware that you are not tired when you do something you enjoy than when you are engaged in some undesirable work. A young boy may not be happy to help his parents but is glad to go out when a friend invited him to play a game in which he is interested. Boredom is also the reason to some extent for teenage vandalism. Therefore, let us not ignore the serious effect of boredom.
To overcome boredom it is necessary to cultivate curiosity. For example when we try to talk to someone who never takes initiative or do not respond in our conversation it results in boredom.
For some people life is very dull and they never take interest in what happens around them. They never ask a question or explore new subjects. Nothing can awaken their enthusiasm.
Even when a subject is not of interest to us. It does not mean that you 'switch off’ mentally. You may not be able to make any possible contribution to the subject under discussion but the possibility of learning something new will be the advantage.
A person living in a city can walk in a countryside and enjoy the wonders of Nature like music of birds or panoramic scenes of plant life and selfless work of a simple artisan.
When we meet and talk to peoplewho have special knowledge and interest which we do not possess, we can enrich ourselves by being able to learn something new. Therefore , it is necessary to sleep up enthusiasm and curiosity to avoid boredom.
One should also have some special interest. This is one of the sure ways to avoid boredom. Thus it is only the people without enthusiasm or curiously who are bored.
Any hobby in which one is interested also is a sure way to avoid boredom. When you oncestimulate your interest that interest becomes inexhaustible since one discovery leads to another. There are always new subjects to learn, fresh points of view to be discovered.
A person who is least bored is one who can talk interestingly or intelligently on a wide variety of subjects. He will join conversation about subjects like current affairs, literature, art, music and modern discoveries in science and technology. In this respect one can read articles published in “Digests” on a variety of subjects written by experts.
Develop your power of observation. Do not miss the beauty and panoramic life around you. Life is full of interest to one whose mind is receptive. Set a challenging goal and develop interest to reach the same. This renders life interesting and inspiring. Do not develop a tendency to take shortcuts or easy ways. That means there is no height, no depth that the spirit of man cannot reach. Live at a higher level of mental, physical and spiritual aspirations.
Develop personal relationships. People are most fascinating in our surroundings if we take interest. There is none from whom one cannot learn something. If you are genuinely interested in people you are never bored.
You can thus promote your interest to enjoy the world around you. This would surely keep away boredom.