What Makes People Like You?(Even When They Don't Know Much About You.)

Suchitra Binda
May 29, 2019   •  9 views

You have to agree with me on this:

Don't you sometimes wish you could be the life of the party?

We all know people who we can’t get enough of and they’re a pleasure to be around. By drawing you in with their indulgence they make us dependent on them and their power grows.

Don't you think your ability of this kind with people will prove to be an invaluable skill ?

Casting a spell by giving people something that holds their attention, that fascinates them.
If you want to understand the interesting factors of such a person, you should understand the psychological tricks behind this character. Hence, for you, I am going to talk about the psychological tricks or factors which make a person most charming and attractive in a group.

They aim at peoples primary weakness vanity and self-esteem.
• the focused attention
• the boosted self-esteem
• th pleasurable wooing
• the understanding

How do they do it?

Because, these people are Charmers.
Being charming is a talent. It is a power to make others feel attracted and fascinated towards you. So, it is natural that when a charming person is present in a group, everyone will try to be glued to him/her more than others.

But—why is this the case?

Very simple, they deflect attention from themselves and focus it on the target!

They understand your spirit feel your pain adapt to your moods. Charmers don’t argue/fight/complain/pester. What could be most seductive?

Secret to capturing people’s attention while lowering their powers of reason is to strike at things they have the least control over :

the ego

the vanity

and the self esteem

"Talk to a man about himself and he will listen for hours."

Make your target the centre of attention. Be a source of pleasure never criticize people as it will make them insecure and resistant to change.

Comfort them and adopt to their moods.
Show calm and self composition in the face of adversity never show anger.
Make yourself useful, if done subtley your ability to enhance the life of others will be devilishly seductive.

If you look up "charming" in the dictionary, you'll see that it not only has references to strong attraction, but to spells and magic.

To summarize

In a world full of bluff and smoke real action and true helpfulness is perhaps The Ultimate charm.
Give them what they want.
Appeal to the self interest make them feel superior to you.
There will always be difficult people for us to face the chronically insecure, the helpless, the stubborn, the historical complainer. A whole Revolution can be enacted without a single act of violence simply by waiting for the Apple to ripen and fall. Charmers must know when to hibernate and when the times are ripe for their power of persuasion.


There you have it.

By now you are probably excited to try this new found secret of winning people in your next social gathering.

Me too.

Now, i want to hear from you:

Do you know any other strategies that have helped you engage people?

