Walter Scott a diary said, ``What is a diary as a rule? A document useful to the person who keeps it. Dull to the contemporary who reads it and invaluable to the youngsters who centuries afterwards treasures it.’’ Pitting it simply it is a chronicle of important events of one`s life, recorded in a document called a diary. To keep and maintain it requires a methodical habit of regularly updating and recording events as they occur. Quite often we begin writing a diary with great zeal, but gradually this self imposed task becomes a drudgery and the initial enthusiasm began to wane. In course of time the novelty of the idea wears off and the diary is almost forgotten. However some youngsters meticulously maintain a dairy as it gives immense pleasure, making them relive those precious moments that come but once in a lifetime.

Young bloods have no time to stand and stare. They are working day and night and running behind the material pleasures; they are running at a mad pace where its neck to neck competition among every single individual. Here comes the importance of diary writing. This alone can act as an escape from reality and would give them immense pleasure. The noting in diary provide an immediate flashback of events, at time recalling incidents that have been obliterated from memory.Leafing through the pages of a diary from the pact routine makes one recall and relive the joys and sorrows, fear and anxiety of events happened in the past. One can laugh at incidents, which appeared grave and insurmountable and the ease with which one confronted them. It also helps youngsters in revisiting mistakes made in life. In a subtle way it rejuvenates life and strengthens one`s resolve, to face the harsh realities of more courageously and boldly. It becomes a source of pleasure for youth and profit them in later years.

Some diaries have later become great literary works like "My Experiments with Truth & Letters of a Father to a Daughter". They were basically the recording of incidents and feeling while they were in prison. Furthermore, the world would have been much poorer, had the disciples of the visually challenged Surdas, not recorded his golden words in their diaries, for posterity to cherish.

Just flipping through its pages makes one take a brief journey into the past which is much required for today`s youth. One grows old, changing physically, mentally and emotionally. Youngsters must live life as it comes by, cherishing each moment for it in the words of Robert Browning, ‘’Grow old along with me. The best is yet to be!”

