Your Instant Mood Boosters

Jun 22, 2019   •  32 views

Since this week we are talking about mental health I would like you to know that there are certain activities those lift your mood and energise you not only for that moment but for a longer period of time. From roaming places to sleeping, from playing with your pet to talking to someone you love, pleasure giving activities depend up on individual preferences. But there are certain activities which are proven ones that they will certainly benefit in boosting your mood. You cannot underestimate the power of activities on your health those you choose to undertake in your free time. The following are some of the activities which those will result in endorphins release and boost serotonin levels.

1. Play With A Pet

Your source of joy can come on four legs and with some fur on it. You’re your pet can help you to elevate your mood with their cuteness and playful nature. The cute aggression that you get after seeing your furry friend makes you happy and cherished. This is the fastest mood booster to a pet-lover person.

2. Do Good

If you don’t feel good or if your mood is on a normal note, try to help someone in need with any way possible. You will always feel positive after you add something good to the society with your efforts. Volunteering also combats depression. Build your relations with people, try to understand them and their problems and then try to figure out a solution with them.

3. Exercise

A healthy mind dwells in a healthy body. Exercising makes your mood to boost up and it’s scientifically proven fact. You can take upon any kind of exercise be it swimming or skating. It helps in releasing the feel-good chemicals such as endorphins and serotonin. It improves the quality of your sleep and increases energy levels.

4. Belt A Tune

You know what? Nothing is crazier than singing a song loudly in a car with your loved one or even alone ;). Don’t feel shy about your voice and don’t even think to hit the right “sur”. Just sing the track and let your mood to shoot up for rest of the whole day.

5. Grab your favourite food

The way to your heart passes from your tummy! You will feel-better if you have your favourite food on your low-mood days. It can be yours favourite dish made by your mother or even giving a try to cooking is not a bad idea. The tastier it is, the better your mood will be.

Mood boosters will work only if you give them a try by putting your heart at them. Once you feel emotionally boosted you will feel higher level of energy in yourself. You will have positivity to do anything that comes your way. You will love to try out new things. A boosted mood is better than just your regular-day mood.



Profile of Sonali
Sonali  •  4y  •  Reply
❤️🐶@Japleen Malik
Profile of Japleen Malik
Japleen Malik  •  4y  •  Reply
Play with a pet forsure😍