This is inspired by the Black Humour Play “Episode in the life of an Author by Jean Anouilh”. Well more like the enactment during English Class.

Chadxinmo like always was in the most drowsy mood, except the fact nobody knows how she is feeling (especially after the amazing lunch). It’s a miracle that nobody sees her drooping head not even the teacher. The unlikely scene that not many think a student in the first bench can do.

Right now for her, the best wish anyone can fulfill for her would be that the teacher has a meeting or something. Or anything that could give her the liberty of sleeping with her head covered behind the thick textbooks. More like the “Great Wall of China” made by the tons of books from the neighbouring friends. And as if God had heard her the teacher didn’t come after 5minutes to the class. Usually, if a teacher won’t come after the first 5 minutes it means they aren't coming for the entire period. Thus, the sleepy head l turned around to her friends to make the wall.

“Good Afternoon”, said someone from the door allowing a gush of wind to softly cool Xinmo’s face. ‘WOW,’ that felt amazing especially when you are sleepy. Totally refreshes you up to make you feel the worst after the revelation of spring winds. A smiling woman came in and that was the worst feeling to see. The teacher had finally come after the great hope Xinmo had. “Aww... God, I thought I could Sleepp!!!” making an internal Alla hand, obviously, nobody was to see that.

The teacher took her seat and said, “We have completed the Episode in the life of an Author last week and I as the faulty head need to make you all do something for me.” Though, as heck sleepy, Xinmo was an excellent pretender, nodding her head as if she was the most interested in helping the teacher. “So, this year for the drama Science A is to perform it.”

Great! The previous year the Arts students had performed and it had entirely mesmerized Xinmo. To the extent to make her think that she wanted to do it too. Yeah, the chance did come but Xinmo wanted to be the Director, leading everyone. 

After the teacher announced the news, she asked for volunteers and the accurate number of performers was standing in front of the class. For the main lead girl, the class had a vote and Xinmo was chosen.

Next day, the rehearsals started and the team was to perform after a week. Everything went well and Xinmo really liked the dialogues. Most interesting was the part where the frustrating wife argues with her Author husband of who is going to take care of her cat when she goes to meet her mother. Also, the scene where she argues with an unknown caller along with a long series of ‘You’ and ‘Me’

The play was to be performed and the audience was seated, enjoying the attention Xinmo acted to her best. The team had so much fun, the absurdity of the play and the fun was enormous. While walking out the hall, Xinmo thought of the dumb characters some actress play. “Those could be great to do”, thought Xinmo singing “Somebody like you”, Episode of the sleepy girl.

