Shopping-Addiction or Spree

“I love new clothes. If everyone could just wear new clothes everyday, I reckon depression wouldn’t exist anymore.” - Thoughts of every shopaholic ever.

As wikipedia defines it,Shopping is an activity in which a customer browses the available goods or services presented by one or more retailers with the potential intent to purchase a suitable selection of them. Contrary to the boring definition, shopping for many is like an escape from their stressful and monotonous life. Shopping brings joy and colour into ones life unless your black-crazy of course. Shopping to some is addicting, like a drug, so much so that shopaholic is actually a word in the Oxford dictionary. If you are one such person and think that your pocket runs dry because of this drug or you are just looking out for some tips read on.

  • Do I really need it?

When you see something on the rack and feel a pull towards it, stop. Ask yourself if you really need that and the answer in most of the cases will and should be no. You know your cupboard is probably overflowing with the same kind of clothes. You must also ask yourself other questions for example “where will I wear it”

  • Take Opinions

When you try on clothes in the trial room and in case you are alone in your shopping spree, take pictures and ask people how they like it because it is highly likely that what you like someone else might not.

  • Get rid of the brand

Street shopping has its own amazing feeling. If you love buying a lot of clothes then its best if you ditch the brand and go for local shopping stops which also many a times have similar clothes in cheaper prices and since you know you are going to go shopping again any time soon so its okay is you compramise on quality.

  • Maintain a budget

Being a shopaholic, you will understand the pain of deciding whether you need food or clothes. If you are a compulsive shopper it’s best if you appoint a budget out of your daily income and stick by it.Many people overspend because they don't have any parameters restricting their spending.This is your or your parents hard earned cash and precious time you are spending – it’s worth a few minutes of preparation, don’t you think?

  • Pay with cash.

The research is clear: we pay 20 – 50% more when we shop with magic plastic, whether it’s using a credit or debit card. There’s something about that magic plastic that can make us feel like we’re using Monopoly money, play money. Like it’s not real.

Getting new stuff is always exciting and alluring but you have to know your boundaries. So, go ahead, shop away but do keep these tips in mind and you can have the joy of holding those shiny new bags in your hand and wake around while also having your wallet full. As Sophie Kinsella in Confessions of a Shopaholic says “A man will never love you or treat you as well as a store. If a man doesn’t fit, you can’t exchange him seven days later for a gorgeous cashmere sweater.”



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