Self love and self care

We all have heard these words from others, how 'selflove' and 'selfcare' are the most important to

understand and accept in life for better future and development of oneself. But we can only understand

these words after facing lots of failure in life . But what is a difference between 'Self-love' and 'Self-care'?

Selfcare is taking care of yourself physically and mentally, like doing things that make you fit and

healthy, take time for yourself enjoying your own company away from family, friends or your daily officework.

It's 'self awareness that you need for yourself to grow or develop in anyway’. And 'Self Love' means to

accept yourself the way you are . It's about cultivating gratitude and acceptance towards yourself,
physically and emotionally.
Self love is about realising your own worth. It's about putting yourself first and then moving towards

helping others. It involves working on yourself so that you are mentally, emotionally and physically

strong and thus creating an atmosphere for oneself full of appreciation for oneself. It's just lovingyourself but loving oneself can often be hard. But it's okay. Sometimes it takes efforts. But those effortsare always worth it.

Self help is continuously putting in efforts to see yourself where you want to be without having to rely

on anyone else. One of the most common ways you can start is by putting an end to lying to yourself. It

is self help that pushes people to be more focused and develops ones concentration. There are various

self help books that intend on improving their reader as a whole. It is here, it is this self improvement

process that enables you to put in the physical efforts needed to maintain a healthy relationship with

your mind and body. When the brain and body function together, you achieve your best whilemaintaining a good health.

These two things are different but both are necessary for healthy and fulfilled lifestyle. Both of these

things teach you the stuff you need in life to realise how beautiful existence can be. Self love can be

practiced by just listening to your favorite song and jamming to it. It's awfully simple. People forget that

in a world moving so fast, it is their own responsibilty to take care of themselves. Everything around

them will change but not them. And that is why they need to work on themselves.

'Self Care' allows you to maintain healthy relationship with yourself 'Self Love', however, is a way you

can achieve confidence. It is unapologetically loving yourself and accepting your flaws .The journey of

successful peoples starts when they start loving themselves , putting efforts, which helps them to
achieve their goals.
These aren't about rewarding yourself. It's about spending time with yourself and loving each and everymoment of life . It's putting efforts for oneself , neither expecting nor begging from others for the same.

