Our ‘Inhuman' Family Members

Shruti Gupta
Apr 17, 2019   •  31 views

Animals have always been an integral part of our lives. Keeping cats, rabbits, doves and especially dogs as pets is very common in cities and towns; while cows, buffaloes, goats and horses are often tamed for commercial purposes in rural India. Pet owners know how quality of their lives is enhanced because of their animals. Pets bring joy to your lives and smile to your faces. They give you unconditional love and stay faithful. They become your partners in loneliness and listen patiently to you when all you need is to pour your heart out. You always know that your secrets are always safe with them! They provide us a way to escape from the burdern and pressure of this world. Pets to some can be a family when their relatives and friends are not there for them. Some people also consider their pets to be their saviours in their dark times. Keeping animals and birds as our family members shows our love for them. Responsible owners keep their pets very clean by removing the extra growth of hair on their bodies. They bathe their animals on a regular basis and feed them with nutritious food. Getting them regular health checkups and playing with them become an important routine of such people. Keeping pets is a kind of entertainment to us. Anyone would like coming home to his/ her dog who awaits for us the whole day long and welcome us with their glittery eyes and constantly moving tail out of happiness. Pets are a great way to improve your mood and temperament and make you feel way more better. It has been proved that people having pets are less likely to suffer from depression. They improve your mood for the good. This is a primary reason pets are used in various forms of therapy. Pets are a great way to make you exercise, even without you realizing it. Dogs provide great company for a walk, sometimes urging you to take them for one. Several studies have revealed that people who tend to spend their time with pets are more likely to live longer than people who don’t. Kids who grow up with pets are more social and always respectful to living things. They are developed emotionally better than others.

But we often see many animals out there on streets that are abandoned and hence are forced to bear the trauma of chilly winters and heavy downpours. I think that we should find a shelter to help them even though we cannot adopt all of the pets. Pets are a great way to broaden our love towards every life form. Love for family and friends is normal but loving dumb creatures surely makes us live our lives in a better way.

