We are looking into the production errors as in live action T V Shows, which somehow the directors fail to notice, causing them to make it into the final reel, but that is hardly ever missed by the fans themselves. Here are the top 5 mistakes in TV Shows which the directors failed to notice until it was too late.

"Coffee of Winterfell" in Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is a series which goes through a lot of editing and work under the supervision of a good number of people. This would lead the fans into thinking that there can’t be any mistakes when it comes to the final production but that is definitely not the case as in one of the scenes it seems as though the Daenerys is enjoying to herself a nice cup of modern latte.

"Intruder Alert" in Malcolm in the Middle

You didn’t have to be eagle eyed to notice that there was something strange in one particular shot. As Lois walks out holding her ruined dress, a slouched figure can be seen in the background holding a bucket. In the DVD audio, they explained that they had let the mistake in purposely to see whether or not the audience noticed.

"Screen Problems" in The Big Bang Theory

Penny might not be that smart when it comes to books, but you could at least expect for her to know how to operate her computer. In one of the episodes which shows her obsessing over a particular game, she comes to Sheldon for help. Later as she leaves, we can actually see the laptop, which shows that the screen is in reality, blank.

"Monica?" in Friends

The cast members of Friends have been globally recognised all over for decades and fans hardly ever make any mistakes in recognising their favourite actors. In one of the episodes Phoebe can be seen chatting with her good friend Monica, except in the wide shot of the exact same scene we can see that isn’t Monica that Phoebe is talking to, rather Courtney Cox's body double left carelessly in the scene

