Technology A Boon Or A Bane......

Shravani Kumar
Jul 15, 2019   •  3 views

Is Technology a boon or a bane?”not an easy question to answer. It is a topic with lots of complexities, which are beyond the scope of this review. The fact is technology has contributed to significant improvements in areas of medicine, communication, travel, human living, education. It has also contributed to global warming, nuclear stockpiles, mechanization of human life.
So is technology good or evil? Let us take a very simple example of a matchstick. One can use it to light a lamp or light a fire for cooking. It can also be used to light a fire that burns some one’s home down or a newly wide bride who has not bought in enough dowry to satisfy her in law’s endless greed. The matchstick by itself is just a harmless object. In the hands of a mother lighting the lamp or the cooking fire, it becomes beneficial. The same matchstick in the hands of a small careless child, could prove to be fatal. And when it becomes a tool for the person to burn down a home, or a newly wedded bride, it becomes a tool to kill and destroy. hence it is all in the hands of the user . Also in today's world almost everything is tending to become automatic , from cleaning your dishes to turning on lights . Many people posses different views over technology , for example if you talk to your grandparents about how nowadays washing dishes is completely evolved from its authentic way , they may feel that the younger generation are tending to a very sedentary lifestyle because of all this but in tandem with this there is a lot of perks from the growing technology , let us take the example of mobile phone itself it has gone through a lot of modifications over the years and now we can do all the work on it including preparing a ppt , word document, editing videos etc. This technology has introduce many devices like voice controlled assistants who can keep us entertained by playing songs reading the news etc , all of this with just a command..... woah isn't that crazy , tell me who would have thought that we would see all of this one day and I'm sure the future is going to be even more interesting. As they say "the beauty is in the eye of the beholder ", so it all depends on how a person thinks i.e. whether to take the advantage of this ever growing technology or become a victim for it , technology in the present situation is very benefitting because the whole world is moving with the it and we are optimizing it . Only when people use this useful technology for a bad purpose , then we can expect a bad outcome . Let's take a moment to think about this and let me know about your thoughts and how you feel about technology :)

