Dessert is a course that finishes up a feast. The course typically comprises of sweet afters, with a wide range. Desserts vary in nature, concerning the part of the world one stays in, however, I as a Bengali residing in Kolkata would say I have had access to several sorts of post-meal indulgences since childhood. I love Payesh as much as I love soft brownies topped with ice-creams, that melt in my mouth. Sounds delicious already, does it not? Making super-tasty Payesh though is a time-consuming process, this write-up is to make you aware that with a microwave at home, you could get a chocolate brownie made in roughly ten minutes to quench your midnight dessert thirst.

In case you're thinking about how this is even conceivable, you will be flabbergasted.Microwave brownies turn out fantastically wet, chewy and fudgy. Butter a 9x9 Silicone mold, line, and keep it at one side. In a pan kept on medium heat, mix water(1/2 cup), sugar(2 and 1/2 cups) and chocolate(2/3 cups). Keep sturring until chocolate is melts into a saucy texture, once it does, let it gradually cool down. Take out a mixing bowl, where you bring the flour(1 and 1/2 cups), salt(1 tablespoon), baking-powder(1/2 tablespoon), and cocoa-powder(2/3 cups) together, mix well!You then grab the bowl of the semi-liquid chocolate, and incorporate eggs(4), oil(1 cup, and flavourless) and vanilla(1 tablespoon) to the concoction. Then you add- The wet mixture to the dry, make sure you do not mix more than necessary. Finally, the chocolate chips(1 cup)must be added, along with bits of hazel-nut. Then you do the transfer to the microwave safe pan, and involve smoothening of the surface. Do you think you should add more chocolate chips? YES, I say, in caps. Microwave until the 6th minute, stop and do a knife-check. (2-3 minutes more of microwaving post-checking could sometimes be necessay), based on 1200 Watts machine. Once done, you let it cool. Once cooled, you take it out, and evenly make pieces. If there is ice-cream at home, why not top your home-made dessert? Enjoy!

