Know Interesting History About Deodorant.

Shikha Gupta
May 16, 2019   •  85 views

Everyone who cares about underarm health and odor- let's face it, that should be everyone. Deodorant has been around in various forms since the times of ancient Egyptians.

It's pretty much accepted idea that up until very recent history, people smelled. Body odor was just a fact of life, because sweat glands were not discovered until the 1700s.


The first deodorant that was created and sold was called 'Mum' and was produced in 1888. Some cultures cared about horrible body odors not just for years, but for centuries.

Egyptians not only build pyramid but deodorant also.

It dates all the way back to the Ancient Egyptians. After all, Egyptians could build pyramids but could they really be expected to perfect the art of the roll-on? They did help bring about the practice of making sure your pits don't stink.

Egyptians practiced "scented bathing" but also decided to spary their armpits with perfumes in order to not smell so ghastly.

Egyptians came with perfume cones that could be worn on head. This tradition was carried on and copied by Greeks and eventually by Romans. Old civilizations apparently had a much better understanding about body and skin health than the ones that came after. Any sort of scented bathing and deodorants fell by the wayside. Soap, invented by the Phoenicians, was cast aside in favour of smelling like rancid eggs. Along with soap, deodorant get throw in the rubbish pile and it came back into vogue in the 1800s.

"Obviously the deodorant invented by the Egyptians was far different than what we use today".

