Sleep deprivation is generally caused by a number of factors.It is mostly caused when people follow irregular morning and night schedules. One's sleep is generally disrupted because of immense mental activities,sometimes physical problems also can interfere with one's ability to fall or stay asleep.

But however,the hour of one's sleep varies accordingly.
In general,most healthy adults sleep for an average of 8 hours and the 16hours are spent awake.
But,many individuals are able to function without drowsiness after a little sleep of six hours.However,other's can't perform at their peak unless they have slept for 10 hours.

As a person gets to the point of falling asleep,he or she will fall of course into micro-sleeps,which lasts for 5-10seconds.This causes lapses in attention and then finally experiencing hallucinations.

If a sleep deprived person doesn't sleep after the initial signs,then the person will automatically start to experience apathy,many physical problems,mental stress,etc.This would be included with common ptessures,like family problems,job-related issues,examination pressures and many more.

However short term problems like insomnia should be managed at an early stage. If it is not managed from the beginning,then such problems may persist long after till the original stress passes.So what we need to conquer is stress after all.

As per the researchers, "stress is actually the main cause for short-term sleeping."

Sleep deprivation disappears as the stress passes out of mind.
According to experts,a person should sleep for at least 6 hours in a day as sleep is essential for a person's well being and is treated asthe best medication and cure for any problem.

