“Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.”- John Green.

Reading books was, is and will always be one of the finest passions to have because it makes you a better person than you were before reading that book. Being a voracious reader has benefits beyond the comprehension of someone who detests the idea of reading good books. If you see a person who has mastered the art of public speaking, someone who weaves magic with words or still, someone whose vocabulary can be matched with none; just know that the person is an avid reader. Only a person who reads more has an enriched personality which attracts not only intellectualism but raises the emotional quotient of him or her.

There are various genres of books out of which you can find out what is the best suited for you. The major categories are fiction, non-fiction, biographies, magazines and newsletters. There are further sub divisions like fantasy, drama, thrillers, mystery, romantic, sci-fi, mythological, fables and the list is never ending. So, a reader can live the lives of a vampire, a film star, a detective, a murderer, a lover, a scientist, a demi-God, an animal according to the books he reads. All the books have so much to offer that you will probably get tired of deciphering all the knowledge that is hidden in it. I grew up reading a lot of books, of all kinds. My favourite author is the one whose quote I started my article with. It has been one major roller coaster reading his books. The books were filled with joy, pain, anger, adulting, peer pressure, loneliness, solitude, self-discovery and what not. I was always in awe of his writings. My favourite novel is Looking For Alaska. I used to relate with Alaska a lot. Also, the Fault In Our Stars taught me a lot about how to deal with people having cancer, Will Grayson and Will Grayson was full of coming to age teenage discoveries like accepting sexuality and rebellion amongst them; each one of his books taught me a perspective to live with. My other favourite authors include Amish Tripathi, JK Rowling, Hussain Zaidi and Suzanne Collins. They all have led me to a world I shall always cherish all my life.

I love reading books Before you find someone more intelligent and intellectual than you, make sure all the books that you have devoured have made you a more enriched and amazing personality.



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