Do Working Women Make Better Leaders Than Men?

Shaina Sarika
Jun 01, 2019   •  1057 views

Working women do make better leaders than men. I completely support this statement. I am a feminist not because I am a girl but because of the wonders a woman can do. Woman has different shades - she can be cool as cucumber and bold as brass.

In this twenty first century women are in no way inferior than men. Take the example of J.K.Rowling,Serena Williams, Mother Teresa, Malala Yousafzai - women have always played a principal role in our society. Looking back at the earlier era, we find that women were deprived of the opportunities to grow and shine. But now the scenario has changed. Women are coming out with flying colours.

Women are taking up various jobs and are no more confined to the four walls of the house.The knowledge of arts,science, technology and politics is no longer the privilege of men alone.Her image has changed from that of a housewife to a useful person in almost all spheres. Being educated, they are working in banks, private firms,hospitals and government offices. Education has led to their economic independence and equality with menfolk. She has proved herself as a potential political leader, a radical social reformer, an efficient office manager and so on. She knows the value of sacrifice and adjustment and how to work along with a multitude. She holds the capability of understanding the practical aspects of the things more then men.

A woman can win everything with her compassionate heart.She will lift and build others selflessly. All she want is to spread love and be loved.

