Internet Safety And Cyber Crimes

S Gayathri
Jun 03, 2019   •  109 views

Nowadays, computers are getting utilized for many activities and works. The number of people using computers are really amazing. Yes! It is increasing day by day.

Computers are becoming friends of humans. We people today unable to survive without a computer, laptops, mobile phones etc., Because the technology are getting increased. As long as the computers are connected world wide, the cyber crimes and computer crimes will increase.

What is cyber crime and computer crime?
The crime which is done by using computer, hardware and through network is said to be cyber crime. The Internet serves as a tool for committing crimes in computers. Cyber crime is not only stealing people's data, information or ideas. It also includes activities like,

  • Fraud

  • Forgery

  • Unauthorized access

  • Pornography

  • Cyber stalking and so on.

Some more major crimes where people, government concerned is like,

  • Piracy

  • Cracking

  • Phreaking

  • Cyber terrorism

Cyber crime is a most complicated and hazardous problem in today's world which includes both individual as well as organized mean group of members involving together. The organized people perform these crimes in areas like big companies, banks, business organization and so on.
The crime which is committed using a computer is said to be computer crime. These crime does not result in loss of secured information and data or the modification of data. Computer crime is also mean when it is accessed by an unauthorized person or without permission of the administrator.

Types of crimes:
It mean breaking into computer system without the consent of owner which is unauthorized trespass in the internet world.

Malware is nothing but a software which is made to pass or penetrate into a computer system without owner permission to penetrate to damage completely.

It refers to a computer software which is installed into it to control the partial interaction between a user and the computer without the user knowing.

Black hat:
Black hat is a word used for a hacker who breaks or penetrates into hardware, computer system,network or even who creating viruses.

In this internet world, black hat are sort of villains. They are considered as very dangerous.

Cyber pornography:
In this sea of internet, cyber pornography is rated as a largest and biggest business.

There are some prevention methods of all those cyber crimes. Let us have a look at some examples:

  • Profiling

  • Make your password difficult to guess

  • Using of random passwords

  • Software vulnerability

  • Use antivirus and spyware software

  • Secure your system by wording the computer or laptop.

Yes, by looking at all these information it is sure that there is no safety and security on the internet. It is our duty to take care of our personal and confidential data sources. So let's take some time to prevent and be safe some more.



Profile of Ganga Ganesh
Ganga Ganesh  •  5y  •  Reply
Profile of Ganga Ganesh
Ganga Ganesh  •  5y  •  Reply
I read your article and was really nyz. I also wrote a similar one pleay read it