That day suddenly the air smelled strongly of salt as her boyfriend had asked her to meet at the beach. Ria loved the beach, the sea breeze and long the walks beside the shore. She was glowing more that the day, just like a pearl in the oyster. Making her way to the beach, she saw the light of candles in the distance, but couldn't make them out. She tried calling her boyfriend, but there was no network. She walked more closer towards the candle lights and saw her boyfriend well dressed. As she walked towards him and was about to open her mouth to complain, he suddenly got down on his knee and said, "Will you marry me?”. Her heart and eyes were full of love that day. Her heart because finally he had proposed and her eyes because she was mesmerized to see the beautiful setup, it was always her wish to have a date like this. Ria accepted his proposal and in a year they married each other.

One day at work, Ria received a beautiful flower bouquet. In it, she counted 12 flowers and found a short note in it, which read: “My love for you will last until the day the last flower in this bouquet dies". The note was from her husband who had gone on a war fight. The message was continuously striking her mind, she was a bit afraid as the flowers will die once they dry. Unaware of what to do, she soaked the flowers with water on returning home after work. One day after another, the flowers started dying which made her more restless. Now only one flower was alive, that day may be was the most terrible day of her life, her husband was shot dead in the war. After the funeral of her husband she wanted to collect all his memories, she went near the vase to collect the note written by him, this was the day when she realized that there was one artificial flower in the bouquet that would last forever.

Her love for her husband was eternal, but after his death everything changed. Ria was forced by her family to move on with her life, as she was young and had a life to go ahead with. Ria's mother asked her to meet a boy who was in love with Ria, but as usual she was forcefully sent on a date with him. Ria rejected the proposal of the boy, but the boy had decided to win her heart. Every day he used to leave a single red rose on her windshield. He never sent her flower's at work, since he knew this would hurt her. But whenever the time was right, he sent Ria flowers on her birthday and Valentine’s day and on festivals. Ria now started feeling for the boy and finally decided to get engaged with him. The guys at work tried to make a bad impression of the boy in Ria's mind, but he proved it all wrong. He kept sending her flowers. He made her breakfast in bed. But most importantly, he invited her daughter to move in with him. For Ria it was like her husband who had returned in the form of boy. She felt like her love was recalled and so was it eternal too.



Profile of Meena Nezami
Meena Nezami  •  5y  •  Reply
Nice article. Please do check on my articles too. 👍🏻
Profile of Sayali Kawade
Sayali Kawade   •  5y  •  Reply
Thanks. Sure