A thousand dreams die unborn every day because the dreamer lacks the courage to take the first step, in faith, with no guarantees of success.All we have to do is to stop comparing ourselves to others.

It's time to expose our dreams, our passions and start living a bigger life.

Dreams tell us how life should be? What should be our minimum achievements on the path of progress? In fact, the path of every success starts with dreaming.

Every child dreams that in the future, he will become a doctor, become an engineer, or run his own independent business.This dream puts his future life and his efforts on the desired path.The steps of the child begin to catch the direction themselves.

The history of human life tells us that the story of his success and progress begins with a dream.In the last century, humans did not even imagine the aircraft. He looked at the birds flying in the high heavens and wondered why I could not fly.Flying birds gave him a dream, if I could fly like this bird, then how good it would be! Today the aircraft is a simple thing.As now, the man has measured the heights of the sky and the depths of the ocean.

When you create a clear mental picture of where you are going in life and set clear career goals,you become more positive, more motivated, and more determined to make it a reality.

Once you’ve decided where you’re going, the only question you ask is “How do I get there?” How do you get from where you are today to where you want to be? And always remember,'Failure is not an option'.There may come many failures while working towards our dreams, but those failures should not deter us from our path rather strengthen our belief and faith in ourselves that we can achieve what we want to.

Conclusion- Life definitely throws challenges in the pursuit of our dreams, but in this situation either a person surrenders and gives up or continues to work towards it despite facing the obstacles.

Determine the obstacles and difficulties you will have to overcome to reach your goal, and organize them in order of size and importance.Create a vision for yourself for the long-term future. The more clear your vision of health, happiness, and prosperity, the faster you move toward it and the faster it moves toward you. When you create a clear mental picture of where you are going in life and set clearcareer goals you become more positive, more motivated, and more determined to make it a reality. You trigger your natural creativity and come up with idea after idea to help make your vision come true.
You always tend to move in the direction of your dominant career goals, dreams, images, and visions. The very act of allowing yourself to dream big dreams actually raises your self-esteem and causes you to like and respect yourself more. It improves your self-concept and increases your level of self-confidence. It increases your personal level of self-respect and happiness. There is something about dreams and visions that is exciting and that stimulates you to do better than you ever have before.



Profile of Savitri Saran
Savitri Saran  •  4y  •  Reply
Ok I will try