In my previous article, I said: Relationships sail in the ocean of understanding navigated by the trust. But, their weapon to fight every iceberg is their low expectations.
But in this who is the captain of the ship? There are two captains. Captains who work together. They are ‘Sharing and Caring’
Sharing of mere accessories, accommodation, and gifts do not signify healthy relationship, but sharing of love and pain, laugh and cries, anger and flattering is what strengthens a connection. Caring for each other’s needs and helping each other is what makes a harmonious relationship.
Sharing and caring in bonds are defined by the number of understanding partners have to be it between mother and daughter, two friends or a couple. This understanding stands with the pillar of communication. Relationships that lack the connection can never be successful. Unless you express, you cannot expect the other person to understand what you feel because they are no mind reader.
Don’t you ask for food when you are hungry? Don’t go up to the loo when there is a need? When everything you need is only achieved by you asking for it, then why not tell and ask the other person to speak to understand each other and fulfill the needs. Why does ego come in your path of communication and always ‘you go first’ is felt. Why not start with you? Relationships stand not on any contract but on the strength of words you share. A lot of friends around me do not talk just because both of them feel unimportant in the others life. But why not sit and talk.
I have been doing this for a very long time. Now I see that the problems have vanished. I used to fight with my mom and sister a lot, but now I don’t.
Why shouldn’t we act rather than sitting and feeling or just over-thinking? Let’s work first.
Communication makes life simpler. Are you having any problem? The best solution is to talk about it. To tell the other person that you have a problem and see how the problem vanishes within minutes.
Talk. Know. Understand. Believe.