Did you go through difficult time a while ago? Did things over which you had no control over hunt you? Whatever you touched turned grey? Probably if you went through any of these you can find a solution here.
The answer to all of those questions is, “It’s because of Mercury Retrograde”. Yes and it is peculiar in a way cause it is not any other phase of your life where you it a low, during this phase majority of the people suffer.
So the big question is “What is mercury retrograde?” When the closest planet to the sun, Mercury moves to its furthest point away from the sun it slows down and it deludingly moves backward. This retrograde occurs three to four times a year because of mercury’s smaller orbit compared to Earth. What are the area/activities that take a hit during this?
Psychological and communicational based are the major victims of Mercury Retrograde. And this is dangerous cause in both of these there is a collateral damage especially in today’s world where almost everything is based on communication, its’ scary. Inception of any sort around this time is a huge gamble which doesn’t get paid off more often than not.
But hold on it’s not as scary as it seems. There are people who are still successful despite going through this period. So how could we battle it?
Might sound a bit cliché “Prevention is better than cure” The events that end up in trouble are mostly the ones that could have been postponed. This event occurs for roughly 3 weeks and the important work, if could should surely be postponed. Remember even if you are not going through this the person on the other end could be so it is important not to quickly jump into new things.
But there are a few things which can’t be postponed. When caught in those situations it is important that multiple checks are taken. For example if any message has to be passed check for the recipients more than once, check the content and ensure with the recipient ifhe had received it. In other cases get someone’s opinion based on their field of knowledge.
Many people have succeeded despite Mercury Retrograde so this should give us hope. Just like how we were happy before we have should believe this tough phase will get over soon (it’s a matter of three weeks).
Now go to the internet check when its’ coming next and let’s win this together.
You can win.