24hrs a day has became scarce today. Everyone is running a race of their own and the attention span as become very little. Finding it difficult to juggle with work and other activities people are seeking for recommendations before indulging themselves in an activity. Created for commercial purposes the star rating decides the fate of a movie today. If you had thought the star in the title referred to an actor you are mistaken, just like many who judge a film based on its rating.
The star system is so deeply buried that the production houses themselves promote their work based on rating and at times allegedly pay the reviewers. The promotion then reaches audiences who are given very little or no option to judge a movie other ways. The star system doesn’t give a definite solution but rather creates a commotion and leading to unnecessary comparisons. This might ironic but this is the reality. But given a definite figure how could there possibly be any ambiguity?
There are plenty of reasons;
The idea of rating a film is abstract. It’s as abstract as barter system. There are no proper scales followed and this is the case with most of the review channels. Even if there is any such scale it varies i.e. a 3 star for the reviewer might be a good film but the viewer might consider it has an average or below average film.
The ratings are an average value and this doesn’t give the proper idea it’s indented to. A group of people who review a film after watching a film give their ratings and an average of their rating is produced. This might seem right given that the sample space is larger but it doesn’t work because the sample space isn’t big for it to be considered as a public opinion. The audiences won’t get the right verdict because the rating is neither the critic’s nor public opinion.
The ratings don’t distinguish one film from another. Comparing two films with the same rating is like comparing two different liquids just because they have the same quantity. In practical life the liquids are distinguished but when a genuine movie is compared to an average film just because it has the same rating, the former loses its credibility.
As mentioned earlier there are paid reviewers. There is nothing more absurd than going by the judgement of a paid reviewer.
This article doesn’t intend or is urging people to put an end to the star rating system. But this is just an appeal to not judge a film by the stars but by what’s being said in the review. The star rating might work for commercial reason but falls short when it comes to judging an art.