Your Best Guide To Get Rid Of Acne Fast

Mar 16, 2019   •  1 view

Let's admit it we've all been there. Whether it is during puberty, teenage years or adulthood, acne can occur at any stage.

And inorder to get rid of this problem it is important to know what causes it. As we all know acne mainly occurs due to excess-pore clogging oil. But it also occurs due to hormones, stress and improper diet.

Now here are a few of the best tips inorder to get rid of your acne fast

Stop Eating Fast Food

Yes I know it's hard to resist but fast foods trigger hormonal acne and isn't good for your overall health in the long run. Fast foods are also known as processed foods and cause a great deal of acne in all ages.


Aside from skipping fast food it is important to get a good amount of sleep regularly. When a person doesn't get enough sleep the body raises it's cortisonelevels to cope up which in turn leads to a breakout.

Drink Lots and Lots of Water

This is nothing new, for years now people have been talking about the benefits of drinking 8 glasses of water a day and its true! There is no rule that we have to drink 8 glasses of water a day but drinking water regularly helps to flush out toxins from your body and reduces inflammation in your face. Although drinking water alone wont vanish your acne completely, it has its own benefits for your skin.

Wash Face Before Sleeping

Going to bed after a long day without washing your face may be a bad idea. Sweat, pollution and skin's oil can built up causing a breakout. Therefore, it is important to wash your face and gently exfoliate before bed.

Over The Counter Treatment

Last but not the least, using over the counter products that you get recommended from your dermatologist or pharmasist is the best method. But if you don't want to go to your dermatologist then there are still home remedies you can try that works just as well which I will be talking about in my next wrytup.

All in all it is important to maintain a healthy diet and not stress. Everything is temporary so it is best not to pick on it as it will make it worse and leave some permanent scars.

