If you’re one of those people who hopelessly spend time gazing at the sky when it changes colour then you’ve already fallen in love with this picture. I’ve always had an admiration for the beauty that lies within the sky and how underrated it is. Not many of us are willing to stop and take a moment to experience the calm that the sky has to offer. I’ve sat in my balcony on evenings like these and I’ve stayed there till I couldn’t see the sky turn black. I feel at peace. Not being in a rush to reach somewhere. Not thinking about deadlines and the work I have to do. Momentarily I forget all this burden that we carry within ourselves. I fill my thermos up with some tea, grab my earphones and play my favourite playlist. There’s nobody but me there and I kinda enjoy that. I get time to think of things that I usually wouldn’t but I wouldn’t have any thoughts that would overpower this beautiful evening.

Thinking about life is really engrossing and I lose track of time but I don’t regret it. I wouldn’t call it “wasting my time”. I enjoy every sip of the tea I’ve got and the song I hear start to make sense to me. I don’t expect you to share the same love for the sky that I’ve got. Maybe all this sounds downright stupid to you. But maybe if you spent an evening alone gazing at the sky you’d be able to understand the beauty I see in it.You probably thought you’d be reading about love and there you’re right this is about love. It’s about the eternal love I have for the sky.The next time you look up at the sky and say to yourself, "the sky looks beautiful" stand still and make sure you appreciate the beauty you're witnessing in that moment. It's essential to be connected to nature. A lot of famous personalities have also spoken about a connection with nature. For example Albert Einstein said :

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."

Frank Lloyd Wright said:

"Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you." Nature offers peace and serenity. For some it may also be a source of inspiration. So many artists love to draw illustrations of nature and poets write about the beauty of nature.



Profile of Akshay Bhanot
Akshay Bhanot  •  4y  •  Reply
I spend my fair share of time with this beautiful blue canopy we live under. It looks like a masterpiece, few brushstrokes on a canvas ❤️