1.Oh! No Pimple: Yes! This is the very thing that happens on your face during this age. We do experience of popping up of acne which is considered as one of the serious face issues. This is very common due to hormonal changes in our body that goes through from teens to 20s.
2. Wow! What a curve: Certain body parts such as hips, thighs and bust starts looking fuller which happens due to Metabolic and hormonal changes that leads to increase in fat distribution around these places and makes them curvy shape giving sultry look to our body.
3. Change in Your hair: Due to hormonal changes inside the body, your hair may become frizzy. Some of us may even experience greying of hair in 20s itself. Your hair texture starts getting worse.
4. Periods Problem: Some of us may experience a shift from easy periods every to heavy, painful periods that sometimes come more than once a month. It’s apparently due to a major hormonal shift.
5. Cherish yourself:You start taking the things seriously and adore yourself for all the positive changes in your body, and you feel like how strong and powerful you have now become. These may have a long lasting impression on your mind, body and soul.
6. Becoming a health freak: Your body starts rejecting fast foods that you once were ever ready to consume. You cannot enjoy your favorite food and beverages anymore in your 20s.
7. Increase in Sexual Appetite: Due to hormonal changes in 20s, you may have experienced rapid increase in your sexual desires. You ought to get sexier even without trying in your 20s.
8. A slimmer face: All the baby fat on your face gonna melt away as collagen fall off in your 20s which results in losing volume of your face, especially the cheeks.
9. Healthy lifestyle: You start living a healthy lifestyle by enjoying all of the foods that you hated earlier, especially green vegetables because now you know that they are good for you.
10. Facial Hair: Many of us suffer from random facial hair. You may notice a weird chin hair that sprouts up randomly. It's not just facial hair that can start growing more - it can happen everywhere on your body.
11. Reduced Insecurity: You become less insecure about the things that you were used to go gaga over when you were teenager. If you had a bad body image during teenage, today you are probably more confident and happy.
12. Gain or Lose: Your metabolism slowdown in 20s, which can make you gain weight easily. Whereas, some may find shedding weight due to lifestyle changes, stress, dehydration and poor nutrition.
13. Phase of Second Puberty: You can address the changes in your 20s as second puberty. Our body starts showing the advanced version of the changes that happened during adolescence, and that's really the best way to describe these changes!