Have you ever thought where will all the living beings go if the Earth is completely destroyed?

If not then think about it...

But don't worry, human beings have found some new 'earth-like' planets.

5. KEPLER -438B

It was first discovered in 2015 and it is located 470 light years away. It is considered as one of the most similar planets to earth due to the similarity in ESI (Earth’s Similarity Index). ESI of Kepler 438B is 88% similar to earth’s ESI. It’s potential of life is 12% larger and it receives 40% more light.

But still it misses some qualities needed for habitation. It doesn’t have proper atmosphere and planets near Kepler-438B emits flares that is more powerful than the sun.

4. KEPLER-452B

Kepler 452B was discovered in July 2015. It’s an Exoplanet and it is known as “Super Earth”. It is 5 times the mass of earth and it will take 385 days to complete one orbit around the earth. It receives more light and due to its large size it has more gravity. It is 45,000 light years away.

But it is nearly impossible to reach there because even if we go in a spaceship at 37,000 miles per hour it will take 26 million years to get there.


Proxima-B is an exoplanet as well and it is 4.2 light years away from the earth. It was discovered in August 2016. It surrounds its red dwarf star and has the potential for survival due to the presence of water.It is 30% bigger than the earth. Its one year is equal to 11 days in the earth. ESI of Proxima-B is 0.87 similar to that of the earth.

Still it has certain drawbacks like it receives only 2% of light from its nearby sun and wind blows 2000 times stronger than earth.


It is an Exoplanet and it is 600 light years away from the earth. It was discovered in december 2011. Kepler-22B is twice the size of the earth. One year is 290 days on this planet. The minimum temperature is -11 degree celsius and maximum temperature is 22 degree celsius. It is the most likely planet we will move on if the earth is destroyed.


Mars is next door to earth. It could be the next permanent home for us and most probably we’ll all be able to see it in this lifetime. It has water, rich soil, sufficient sunlight and a similar day length that is only 40 minutes longer than the earth.

Mars gravity is 38% weaker when compared to the earth but still, due to the other favourable factors there are high chances to successfully tear for mars.

Already there is a thin layer of atmosphere which protects the radiation from the sun. It could hold oxygen and become breathable too.



Profile of Rose George
Rose George  •  5y  •  Reply
Interesting right brother?
Profile of Little Brother
Little Brother  •  5y  •  Reply