First half of the year 2019 took fandom to another level. With Avengers: End Game and the finale season of Game of Thrones, a constant chatter of theories and discussions of the favourite moments in the series echoed everywhere. Even the Harry Potter and F.R.I.E.N.D.S fanatics felt nostalgic recalling their feelings when the series ended years back. Amongst these more prominent groups were smaller fandom groups enjoying their ongoing reign of favourite actors, books, TV Series or movies.

But has it ever struck your mind why people love it all so much? Why are they attached to it in a way which makes them feel that they have some personal connection to it all? And most importantly, how does this fandom affect their lives?

In these busy and monotonous days, everyone loves an escape from their reality. TV series, web series, movies and books offer them that portal through which they escape into another world and experience the unexperienced. Though commuting on this path brings happiness and peace to the minds, it also brings tensions and emotions.

A college student who never got up early in the morning for the 8 am class, was now seen waking up at 6 in the morning to watch the next episode of the beloved Game of Thrones before the social media is flooded with spoilers . The people who didn’t have time to meet their friends and families, were seen in theatres watching Avengers: End Game.

This was just the experience of the duration of screening of these. Months before that began the discussions and excitement of theories and predictions whereas the days following the screening saw tears of either joy of disappointment in the eyes of the viewers.

Other than these trendy fandoms, there are fan bases of film stars who give any movie having their favourite actor, a profit of over Rs.100 crores; fan base of Harry Potter who are still waiting for that letter from Hogwards or might be seen trying spells in real life situations and hoping that it’d work someday; or maybe fan base of F.R.I.E.N.D.S using “How you doin’? As their favourite pick up line.

Well, the fan bases are not just limited to the world of fiction. The “Aayega to Modi hi” is another story of wave of a fandom in the real world. Perhaps, the whole political system is based on the concept of increasing the fan base and using it to win the elections.

All in all, being a fan of something or someone adds that spice to your normally ‘khichdi’ life but do remember, too much spice is also not so good for your health. Enjoy your favourite fantasy but do not lose yourself in the ocean of emotions attached to it.

