Facts About The Human Body

May 25, 2019   •  2 views

The only thing in the world that is not lazy is our body. Did you know that our body works 24/7? Even while we are asleep! Human body posses unique ways to protect us from the dangers and illnesses due to which our body runs smoothly. The human body has its own process to deal with the happenings inside our body. We as the most intelligent creatures have achieved almost the impossible in the world but the one that we often fail to know about is our body. Here are some facts about the Human body.

1. The trap:
Do you why there is so much of dried mucus inside our nasal cavity? Our nostrils consist of a number of fine hair from the inside. Their purpose is to trap and filter the dust particles and bacteria which try to get into our bodies while inhaling and exhaling. The mucus helps to trap them and are sometimes released out while sneezing.

2. The protector:
Did you know that our stomach produces hydrochloric Acid?
Our stomach produces hydrochloric acid to digest the food while churning. Some might have a question that why doesn't such a strong acid harm our stomach. The reason behind this is our stomach generates cell at a faster rate than it gets destroyed. Hence, leaving us unaffected by the acid.

3. The Goosebumps :
Have you ever wondered why we get goosebumps?
They do serve a purpose. Our ancestors just like other animals started gaining hair and made the hair stand up so as to threaten the predators just like how a cat does it. For now, our body hair helps us trap heat in our bodies while we feel cold. that's why we get goosebumps.

4. Wisdom teeth
Our wisdom teeth no longer serve any purpose in our body. As our ancestor evolved and as our brain started to expand there was quite a little space left and the use of our wisdom teeth declined.

5. The cracking sound.
Quite often we have seen people cracking their knuckles and we do it too. Did you know why that happens? This comes from the gas that is in between the two bones in the finger. The cracking sound comes when the bubbles in the gas burst.

6. The blood vessels:
Our blood vessels are so long that if they are laid out, it can encircle the whole earth.

7. The decreasing height:
There is this weird phenomenon that our height increases by the day time and decreases by night. There is fluid between each section of our spinal cords which helps in absorbing shock and jerks. By the night time the fluid gets absorbed and hence our we get shorter by the night time.

8. Saliva:
Our mouth produces 1 litre of saliva per day!

9. The substitute:
Did you know that we actually breathe by one nose at a time? The left and the right timely shift the responsibility to each other.

10. The Scent:
our nose has the ability to identify 1 trillion different scents.

As they say, everything happens for a reason just like that our body does function differently but it also has a reason for what it does. Our body is our best friend, and we must respect it! While it keeps us safe and healthy we must also take care of our body.

