Guest posting is the activity where the owners of a blog or a website post their original content on another blog or website as guest. This is done in order to get more audience to one’s own blog or website and increase the traffic.
It is an effective way to gain more audience, if the audience on the other blog or site likes the content, then they will be attracted to your blog or website, thus resulting in a larger audience for the guest poster. If you are writing guest posts in the right manner then they can build your authority in addition to diverting traffic to your blog or website. Guest posting is also very good for link building and search engine optimization.
Also, if you are accepting guest posts to your blog or website, then it will increase your blog’s credibility in the eyes of the users or the readers because according to a survey, readers prefer blogs with more than one author. When the content is both high quality and relevant, guest posting benefits everyone.
However, just simply guest blogging to improve your SEO ranking or promote your own blog or website might not be the smartest thing to do. It might make you more popular but with a reputation that you might not want.
As a result, a lot of editors are actually fed up of random guest bloggers, which in turn requires the guest bloggers tobe smarter and more careful while pitching their guest posts. Pitching means to present your post to the owner of the blog or website where you want your post to be published and convince them to publish you post on their website or blog. In addition to the quality of your content, convincing the owner of the blog or the website to publish your post is also very important.
The first and foremost element of a good guest post pitch is choosing a headline or topic that fits the blog or website where you want to publish your guest post aptly.One of the most fundamental but also the most important thing to follow while guest posting is to write content which is in tune with the content of the blog or website where your post is being published. If you write on a topic that is not really related to what the blog is about, then it might lead to confusion among the readers and even the editor of the blog or website might refrain from publishing the content. Keeping in tune with the theme of the blog or website is very important. For example, some blogs may prefer content based on research - supported content, some might prefer tutorials, while some others might prefer the author’s own personal opinions or experiences.
When you follow a blog for some time, you can observe certain patterns emerge in the blog and pitching your content according to these patterns is a very good practice. Another good trick might be to pitch a follow up to a previously published article on the blog. Although you should be careful while using this trick and refrain from pitching a follow up to the blog’s most famous article as it might make him or her suspicious. The content of your article is a very powerful tool and most of the owners will only focus on it.
Personalizing your email is also an important thing to do while pitching your post. Always mention the editor’s name in your mail while contacting them as it gives them a feeling that the writer actually knows them. Always do some research about the blog and mention the things that you really enjoyed about the posts. Try to be genuine here as these editors can easily see through fake appreciation. Personalization can go a long way to making the editors accept your pitch because if they feel like you know them, then it makes a good impact on them.
When you pitch your post to the editor, he or she would obviously want to know whether you are the right person for the job or not. So, it is very important to convince the editor that you are the right person for the job. This can be done by sending some samples of your previous works to the editor, preferably these should be published on some blogs or websites. These samples shouldn’t be completely random, they should be related either to the post you are pitching or the general theme of the articles published on the blog or the website.
Another important factor is to make your pitch as short as possible. The editors are really busy people and as such do not have the time to read lengthy pitches. Always try to keep your pitches concise, precise and relevant, only include the relevant details and do not go on writing about irrelevant things.
The pitching email that you send to the editor is also very important. The pitching mail plays a very important role in your post being published or not. Always try to keep the mail grammatically correct. If you are not able to write a good pitching email and are not able to convey yourself, then how will the editor believe that you would be able to deliver.
In addition to the above tips, you should always try to be confident in your pitch and should try to maintain the originality of the content you want to be published.