I subscribe to the statement of James Bryant Conant, "Behold the turtle, he makes progress only when he sticks his neck out." Veritably a beautiful and meaningful sentence, alluding to the fact that one must not refrain from starting or trying anything new rather one should take a look at the life of a creature like turtle who could only make progress when he sticks his neck out and take it as a lesson for him, for one can only get to know about something after diving into it. If one will not try anything, one won't be able flavour its charms. To boot, one will also not know about one's flaws.

Even one having a plethora of setbacks can achieve its goal through perseverance but at least one must give a try. It is sure fire true that constant work in the direction of one's goal can only lead to success. If truth be told, there is no other way out. There are obstacles in everyone's life and there are hindrances in everyone's way to progress. But what matters is the courage to start for something new. Only this courage, can make one to reach the summits of success. And the key to this courage is having faith in oneself. One must not lose self confidence and hope. It is our inner courage only that makes us different from the crowd.

In light of the statement,"Behold the turtle, he makes progress only when he sticks his neck out", one can say that our independence is the result of 'The First War Of Independence' outraged by the great leaders. They were the first to imbue the others with the feeling of freedom in their hearts. They were the ones to give a spark to the idea of freedom in nation's people. Thus being a patriotic citizen of India, one must be grateful to them for we are able to breath air in free India because of their hard work only. It is only because of their efforts that we don't know the agony of living under British's rule.

Thus Conant's statement is apt in all aspects of our life as there also goes an old adage that "Real failure is not to have tried something." For one will only fail if one has tried doing something and this failure only serves as a pillar to success...

