21st Century Is The Century Of All-Rounders. Here's How You Can Be One.

Priya Arora
Mar 05, 2019   •  155 views

From the time when schools were kilometres apart,
With limited education measures at par.
With minimal teachers and books,
Reaching barefooted on crooks.
To a place they called school,
Which they called success' secret, knowledge's pool.
From then to now a revolutionary change has taken place,
Schools are not just for education but for strengtheningour curriculum base.
Where dance, art, academics play equalrole,
Each child being refined and nourished to attain their special goal.

Courtesy- http://www.iqrabed.co.in/activities.php?url=activities&id=2

We have been brought up hearing all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. Certainly it is true. In the 21st century complete Holistic education implies covering these three facets- reasoning, psychomotor and emotional learning.

The core aim of education is to foster all round development of a child. All round development essentially means intellectual, physical, moral, sensible and social development. All round development can be achieved only through education. Education plays a fundamental role in the making of a man as a culturally well developed social animal. To fulfill these objectives, there is a prime need of striking a balance between syllabus, curriculum, books and also co-curricular activities.

Co-scholatic activities are something out of mundane pen and paper experience. These activities groom the children in "art of living and working together"

A Chinese proverb aptly says, "Teach me and I will forget. Show me, and I might remember. Involve me, and I will never forget". Intellectual development is achieved to a good extent in the classroom itself, but aesthetic development like spiritual and moral values, character building, physical growth and creativity is achieved only through co-curricular activities. Students have observed that the students who involve themselves in co-curricular activities performed better at academics. They also better understand on how to manage their time effectively and also increase their interest in the school.

Co-curricular activities are of great importance to any child's holistic and complete development, covering every facet of a strong and responsible citizen.

Even the simplest competitions build human relations like no other. They teach them the quality of team work and it's prowess.

Gone are the days when studies were considerered of utmost importance and arts and music were considered exceptional talents, the ones everyone admired, but did not expect their children to be venturing upon them. This 21st century demands all rounders, who know how to fly above the clouds and avoid the rain in lieu of finding shelter. The world demands eagles and not birds, though not literally but dynamically.

All round development is must,
The one which a co-curriculars entrust.
Its significance has profusely grown,
So co-scholastic is by what it is known.
It builds self esteem, cooperation and humanity.
Wearing them off selfishness, avarice amd vanity.
Making them individuals who are aspired by nations,
Bridging bricks of strong foundation.

