Excellence, a world of achievers where each individual is outperforming masses and striving hard to be the unsurpassed master!
While writing this one liner on 'excellence', I could feel an instant sense of escape, as if my mind would rather dive in deep waters or blur in cloudy skies than think about the same. No wonder I could gather similar reflexes from most of my comrades. What's up with this excellence? Why does it seem so difficult to achieve? Why is it so intimidating? How do some people excel at almost everything and I find myself struggling hard, even at posing for a group photograph!
It took me quite some time to realize that my perception of 'excellence' had been dizzy all this while. Slogging halfheartedly, competing harshly, deteriorating relationships, working inordinately hard and consequently decaying health. Are these our endeavors at present which would take to us being excellent in future? Certainly no. Even if they do, we would have losthappinessover excellence by then. The skill of being able to feel theessence of selfevery moment is what makes us excel in life. I wish to share various instances where most of us find ourselves at some or the other point and how I replaced those by practicing the actual art of excellence.
There is too much stress in work, a lot of pressure. Each time I find myself saying this, I startworking hard. This includes working hard at'work'and'life'. I intend to work more effectively in my job, problem-solving techniques, time slots of assigned tasks and improve on them day-by-day. No matter how much demanding or competitive the world becomes,learningwill always be my choice over mastering the same.
Many times, we find ourselves getting so busy at work that there is no time for family or friends. Well, beating this never takes much effort. All it takes is making sure I take some time out forfamilyevery day. At times I find it hard, I would then go the extra mile on weekends to cherish them. It’s always a cakewalk to make them happy anyways.
We come across inordinate poverty, illiteracy around and feel bad for the unfortunate. Can we do something about it? Yes, we can. Try making an extra effort to find some time for a nearby NGO and go in various events tocontributein some or the other way. If not this, I can surely afford food treats to unprivileged kids during some of my regular restaurant visits. My little awareness can literallymake a differencein somebody’s life.
We get distressed in watching news these days. Living in a country where people with power can freely roam around with grave charges against them makes me feel unsafe. What do I do? Iempowermyself. Be it workplace or any other setting, I will learn to be strong enough to fight back. We ought to ensure our physical and emotionalstrengthis improving on daily basis. Let us make ourselves a priority, how I feel inside should not be compromised anyway.
Excellence is the art of making an effort toimprovethe quality of life we live, every single day.
It is not only restricted to the hours we spend on our laptops but also on that major chunk of life beyond it. Let us excel in being compassionate about people around. The next time you see a guard near the lift area, make sure you greet him if he misses the same; work an extra hour for a colleague if he/she falls sick; start making an effort to take care of yourself.
Let us grasp a prevailing sense ofgratitude for whatever we have and try to improve.
All these minute efforts play a major role in bringingcomplacenceinside, making us passionate about everything we do.
And the moment weexcelthis art ofhappinessfrom our own efforts, we’ll be able toraise that bar of excellence daily!