Writer is someone which writes stories or novels whereas a good or a creative writer is someone which interacts with the readers without being actually present with reader,makes readers believe that it is not happening with the character,rather it is happening with you. That's the charm of a good writer and story.

Here are names and overview of best 5 books of all time:

1.Anna Karenina:

Author: Leo Tolstoy

About: Anna Karenina recounts the destined relationship between the exotic and defiant Anna and the dashing officer, Count Vronsky. Disaster unfurls as Anna rejects her impassive marriage.

2.Madame Bovary:

Author: Gustave Flaubert

About: For setting out to look into the core of an adulteress and identify its substance with significant dispassion, the creator of Madame Bovary was gone after for "offenses against ethical quality and religion."

3.War and Peace:

Author: Leo Tolstoy

About: Epic in scale, War and Peace outlines in realistic detail occasions paving the way to Napoleon's intrusion of Russia, and the effect of the Napoleonic period on Tsarist society.

4.The Great Gatsby:

Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald

About: The epic accounts a time that Fitzgerald himself named the "Jazz Age". Following the stun and confusion of World War I, American culture delighted in remarkable dimensions of thriving.


Author: Vladimir Nabokov

About: The book is universally renowned for its creative style and notorious for its disputable subject: the hero and temperamental storyteller, moderately aged Humbert, winds up fixated.

