No amount of anxiety can change the future, no amount of regret can change the past.

The year 2018

On a bright sunny day, he booked a cab to reach“REAL TECH “.
“Turn left, your destination is 200 meters away”he was panicking with every “Google voice”, his palm was sweating and he looked out of the windowto divert his mind, “sir please reduce the sound of the radio, “ he said

Driver with a “WHAT THE FUCK” LOOK got paused but smiled back immediately the moment he got caught “oh yes, isn’t it so boring” the Driver said

(Rating and incentives are the major reason why cab drivers are “humble” these days)
As soon as he paid the bill and bid “non required goodbye followed bya sequence of fake “gestures and words “

The goodbye, have a nice day and smile, like electric flows in wire, real quick.
You see money is the biggest reason peoplehide their true emotions
He turned back and saw a huge building with the security guards in uniform on each side of the Giant glass door which reflects your image and Judges your LOOK before any human does that to you...

The panicking, breathing, the heart rate, blood pressure, thoughts, everything at once .,.was increasing with every step he took to reach to the Reception .

“Excuse me, mam”
Today is interview for “real tech”?.
Yes, 7th floor, she said.
Thank you,

He took the lift “1-2-3-4-5-6-7”… the numbering increased his breath increase, his mind started freezing.

He walked into the floor, looks down at his shoes, the tie, adjusting his hair,
Turning and twisting of the neck, adjusting his belt, collar and finally...
“The zip”
And the breath to soak ample amount of air inside his chest, even the buttonsgave the loudest cry at one point of time .

He walked in the hall, with a bright smile that bright smile turned into the dark cloudy sky in no time as he scanned the hall in every possible way.

  • 200 people

  • Vacancy 90

  • Everyone seems Smarter than ME

(After all BRAINSTORMING with two other half of himself inside his head)

  • The final result of being selected is 10%

  • Basically rejected

( Am not going to make it ….)

(Fast forward after 2 hours,)

LAST300 SECONDS to go, waiting outside the door
Calling out all the names of god from all the religion
(That’s the power of democracy)
The final check, lip biting, Pam sweating, heart beating, coughing to clear voice
Thousands question before actual questions,
A big battle inside head before actual battle....

If you can relate with the above lines, you feel anxious and too much of anxiety can lead to a severe mental and physical health issue.

The term "anxiety disorder" refers to specific psychiatric disorders that involve extreme fear or worry, and includes generalized anxiety disorder (GAD),panic disorder and panic attacks, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, selective mutism, separation anxiety, and specific phobias.

Some of the ways you can reduce anxiety

Find someone to talk to - When there is a lot of stress you are going through, choose one of your trusted friends and speak your heart out, “A lot can happen over a coffee”

Read – tell me when was the last time you sat alone and read a book? A good piece of fiction can actually shift your focus from daily anxiety and stress.Reading helps in connectivity between our brain cells, lowering the risk of neurodegenerative diseases

Exercisedaily – maintain the regular exercise can actually help you in enhancingour mood, helps in setting own exercise goal and beat them, build confidence, cut short negative thoughts

JUST BREATHEA powerful way to stay centeredand to counter the physical effects of anxiety and stress is to focus on your breathing .Belly breathing, deep breathingis a powerful way of being in present and not getting worried about the future.

Celebrate small winswhen we pursue our goals and view our daily success, we have two option
Look how far you’ve come, what you have achieved and celebrate it(growth mindset )
Look how far you are from the goals in your life and feel more and anxious about it (gap mindset )
Rather than worrying enjoy what you have achieved so far and be determined about the next target.

(happy reading,
stay tuned )



Profile of Unik Angle
Unik Angle  •  5y  •  Reply
Nice advices
Profile of Surajit Bagti
Surajit Bagti  •  5y  •  Reply
That was nice, Pls bring up some more information about ANXIETIES.