How Alcohol Affects Brain Function..!

Piyali Bhadra
Feb 12, 2019   •  14 views

Alcohol is a term if used in our daily life can literally tear us and our families down with mental and physical stress,but if using this term in a limited amount can maybe save our lives.Alcohol is considered a very important part of any party or occasion within some classes of our society and now more often a social symbol but nobody thinks twice before consuming this poison.There is no sense of consuming such things which let you loose control of your own mind and body and can indulge you in wrong activites.

Alcohol is basically made from sugar and yeast,but there are types of sugars which produce different types of alcohols.It is the most commonly used drug.A report was generated in which it was discovered that in the field of substance abuse,people who consume alcohol in there day to day life suffer from some or other health disorder.While consuming alcohol it makes our brain go on a depressant mode where some of our activities which are controlled by the brain does not function properly.Usually we see when people are very high they are not in the manner to walk,talk,stand or do things which need attention and focus properly.Thus alcohol makes our nervous system extremely NERVOUS and thus starts responding slowly.

Thinking of the negative outcomes of alcohol, we often think that we can get ourselves in a car accident or misbehaving but the actual toll takes in our own body.If there are many rehabitilation centers for the alcoholics and drug addict people to make them into a better person then it should be sensible enough that consumption of alcohol is not good for our health.If people are actually being tortured to become a better human being then why there is a need to get ourselves indulge is these activites.

In the end it would be best to conclude with saying that as being Indians always we see a man very famous all over India.We see him oftenly before a movie or sometimes in Televisions.We do see him trolling on internet as well.Yes I’m talking about Mukesh (died in 2008,as per information) is the man we see always in movie theatres.They tell about his poor condition that how alcohol,tobacco,Pan masala etc. harmed his body and eventually he died.Don’t let another or many more mens take his place.He has set an example and it is our duty to learn from his mistakes.Don’t let this Mukesh fool you!!!

