Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves. It's based on our opinions and beliefs about ourselves, which can sometimes feel really difficult to change.

People with a strong sense of self-worth exhibit a number of characteristics. When you see these characteristics reflected in yourself and your actions, you’ll know you’ve arrived:

• They appreciate themselves and other people.

• They enjoy growing as a person and finding fulfillment and meaning in their


• They are able to dig deep within themselves and be creative.

• They make their own decisions and conform to what others tell them to be and do

only when they agree.

• They see the world in realistic terms, accepting other people the way they are,

while pushing themselves to change in a more positive and confident direction.

• They can easily concentrate on solving problems in their lives.

• Their relationships are loving and respectful.

• They have thought about what their values are, identified them, and live

according to these values every day.

• They speak up, calmly and kindly telling others their opinions and what their own

wants and needs are.

• They endeavor to make a constructive difference in other people’s lives.

Our self-esteem is determined by many factors, including how well we view our own performance and appearance, and how satisfied we are with our relationships with other people. Self-esteem is in part a trait that is stable over time, with some people having relatively high self-esteem and others having lower self-esteem. But self-esteem is also a state that varies day to day and even hour to hour. When we have succeeded at an important task, when we have done something that we think is useful or important, or when we feel that we are accepted and valued by others, our self-concept will contain many positive thoughts and we will therefore have high self-esteem. When we have failed, done something harmful, or feel that we have been ignored or criticized, the negative aspects of the self-concept are more accessible and we experience low self-esteem.

We can boost our self-esteem is through building connections with others. Forming and maintaining satisfying relationships helps us to feel good about ourselves.

A common way of doing this for many people around the world is through social networking sites.



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Ud  •  4y  •  Reply
Very well written..!! please check out my articles too :)