Humans have always been diverse and emotional beings, rummaging through frigments and falacies of sentiments, things they can control, things they can't control and the various demons in their heads. And on a bigger view, we see that this diversity in the system humanity is based on almost inevitably lead to conflicts, visible or hidden.

Safe spaces refer to areas individuals have created for themselves where they can be heard, where there is complete inclusivity of comfort, and acceptance for each member. They were much needed at the time of their inception in the 1960s, Where the concept originated as a beacon for garnering compassion and support against the suffering that people of the LGBTQ community had to go through. These were an extension to their depressions, where they could individually find practical resistance to political and social repression.

As the years passed, the changes polity and cultures around the world caused breakthroughs in the likes of movements against repression of women, waves of feminism, mental health awareness and racism. All seeked this extension, this safe space was a means rather than an end and not only a physical space but a space created by the coming together of people with similar stories or perception, to provide these groups with comfort the people in them don't regularly experience.

Today, we find them in college campuses, artist conclaves, events like Poetry slams, art exhibitions and almost everywhere the seeker's eye can roll. The acceptance this concept has gotten from this generation of millenials where issues like mental health, communism, discrimination are often left unsettled in their minds due to their association with controversy and lack of acceptance in the society for the questions raised is one of the very better things about the world today.

