Imagine, if you can, a sea that for one quarter of the year, doubles in size. A sea in a constant state of motion, motion is undetectable to the human eye, but that is devastating nonetheless. Imagine if you were to look down the heavens at this vast, long blue crystal mass. You would see the signatures in motion. The sweeping waves, bending of blue, falling down slopes like cascading waterfalls captured on film. The Big Sea is beautiful, isn’t it?

The tale begins when the rumors of the big sea started to mix with oxygen. The rumors of the gigantic sea monster, devil of the sea. Continuous killing of mammals in increasing numbers. A disturbance to the eco-system and diversity. The power decided to look into it, that what’s the matter in real? What is happening under the sea?

A team was sent there for finding the reasons behind the chaos. Now, it had been three hours since they’d lost radio contact with the two divers. There had been nothing wrong with the descent, despite the fact that it was so deep. Mark and David were the most experienced divers at the work, and they had talked casually over the intercom the whole day down.

Water temperature had been stable at 1.9 degree Celsius. After some time, Divers made their way up the steep underwater tunnel, describing the rough texture of the water, commenting on its rich, almost angelic, sky-blue color. And then, abruptly, they stopped talking. It was little dark, the water was calm. Unnaturally calm. Suddenly they heard a noise, echoing through the clear water. Whale song, they thought. Possibility, the killers. More likely, however, it was a blue, crying for a mate. Maybe four or five miles offshore. That was the issue with the sad song. Water is such a great conductor, you could never tell from where actually all the sounds are coming from.

The divers came back and told the team what they saw, the Dolphins eating the polythene bags, mammals eating the garbage, plastic, the new king of water. They saw the disgrace to the humanity.

Seeing the reason of death from our own eyes is one thing and still not preventing it is another. The plastic and garbage are eating the beauty of our system. Vanishing the beautiful creatures created by the god. While we were looking and searching for the sea monsters under the sea, it was right in front our eyes, floating on the water. But we are the one giving birth to them, doesn’t make us The Real Sea Monsters?

