-'I don't want to talk to you. Bye!' -'Bye. Even I don't want to. And then you spend the entire passage of time thinking about what went wrong, untill one of you succeds keeping aside your ego and apologizes. Have you ever thought why you fight with the one you love and care about? Simple, because you truly love them and care about them. But to be precise, there lies a thin line between loving them and loving them unconditionally. So before you judge your friend or partner, know what the difference is.

When you

love someone conditionally, you just love them. You don't genuinely care about

their each and every habit or step that might get them laid in any fatal

situation. You love them, because you want them to return the same. You love

spending time together, you enjoy being around their friends. You enjoy that

you're getting attention, and that is what you were craving for a long time.

Isn't it? You love someone conditionally because you yourself are hungry for it

and subconsciously you know that. This conditonal loves are the one which are

most vulnerable to get broken when there is a communication gap. Whereas, an

unconditional love is the one which is literally unconditional. Remember loving

your favorite cartoon in your childhood? You actually didn't want anything in

return. You just loved them. Likewise, a person loves another person

unconditionally when they themselves are full of love and positivity. And that

is the key to communication.


let's discuss about our main mater of concern Communication. Communication can

be the silver lining in the cloud of your relationship. Communication is not

only talking or texting, it involves knowing stories of each other, doing

things together, being accquainted to each other's aspirations and goals. That

would be very helpful to make your relationship grow.

Communication in your relationships depends a lot on the type of love you are in,

whether the former or the latter one. When it's the former(conditional), you falter in

communicating purely and just because of your unnecessary ego. You, sometimes

want your loved ones to do things the way you want them to. The moment they

start doing things the other way, you tend to freak out. You quarrel and

unnecessary drama happens. Because you just want to be loved and get attention,

and dominate over things, nothing else. And when you feel that you are not

getting that, you feel helpless and you don't even know how to communicate with

your partner. You can't tell them that you need more attention because that

might hurt your ego and so you opt to stay quiet. You become rude to them even

when there's no fault of them. Just take a deep breath and think that if your

partner is understanding, they'll surely understand what your problem is. If in

lieu of keeping quiet, you tell them that you are having problems whether it is

of insecurity, jealousy or maybe excessive possessiveness, you could together

solve the problem easily without any hastle. You don't communicate and that's

the reason you end up half of your relationships.

In an unconditional love bond, more than being desirous of feeling loved, you want

the other one to feel loved. You want to grow together and love each other. You

try to know every bit of their life. You want to make each other happy by the

way you do things for them. You are full of love and you want to spread it

around you. You won't need a bucket full of attention and love because you

already have it. You want others to feel the same way as you know what it feels

like. You have actually overcomed the feeling of craving for love. You have achieved

certain things and that have made you love yourself. Unconditional love is

impossible when you don't love yourself first.

"Unconditional lovers" tend with good intentions, think of what's best for their partners first and then themselves second.

Communication not only helps in maturing your relationships but helps to build up a good understanding too. When you communicate with each other you'll be able to know what kind of a person the other really is. What could make them happy or what might upset them. Communication between two makes them an open book to each other. That could either lead to increase love in your relationships or the other way round. But you won't end up without reasons and grudges. That would be the worst way to end things. Right?

So if you don't want to have grudges and regret ending up your relationships, you must

communicate with your partner well and figure out things. Don't leave questions

unanswered and your partner or friend not understood. That will only lead you

to mental troubles and you'll have problems moving on from the past. And no

wise person would want that. Communicate, don't eliminate. After such a serious

discussion, to end with a joyful note we would say - Communication gap should

be strictly prohibited.


don't eliminate!



Profile of Aditi
Aditi  •  4y  •  Reply
Nicely explained! Please check out my work too!
Profile of Rakshita Upadhyay
Rakshita Upadhyay  •  4y  •  Reply
hey you write very well.keep it up.please check my account and like my wrytups