More than 10 million people die each year due to tobacco in India. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), India is habitation of 12% of the world smokers where 70% males and 13-15% of women use to smoke. In addition to being a factor for cardiovascular diseases and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, India also has one of the supreme rates of oral cancer in the world. Deaths due to smoking in India may exceed 1.5 million annually by 2020 according to the prediction of World Health Organization.
In recent years, smoking cessation has become an center of attention or an area of focus. Many smokers scramble with withdrawal and cupidity when they quit, but there are ways to cope up with it. While smoking was once seen as pleasing and catchy, modern medicine has instituted a relationship between smoking and health mishmash. Nicotine withdrawal is really challenging as it is an addictive habit that one find it extremely rigorous, but knowing what to look forward to and being prepared can help. When you initially use to ignore or stop smoking, your body has get used to not having nicotine, you will crave for it, will feel sad or trouble in sleeping.
Usually, the first week of quitting is the one in which you will feel very strong urge for smoking, at this stage you will be more probably at risk for a slip. This could be avoided or controlled by Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) along with SmokefreeTXT, a mobile text messaging service that offers stimulus, advice, tips 24/7 that helps smokers to quit smoking. It's important to have a plan to overcome that urge to smoke, craving typically lasts 5 to 10 minutes. It would be uncomfortable but try to wait it out engaging yourself into some other work, by keeping your mouth busy, by taking deep and slow breaths.
Do whatever it takes by practicing different things that excites you the most, try to connivance that urge of smoking. Nicotine and mood are so related that it results in getting anxious, panic, and nervous during the period of quitting. A stretch, a neck rub, or a hot bath can help you to fight with all the stress and anxiety. Practice mindfulness like, take a slow walk outdoors by noticing what you hear, see, and smell, take a journey in your mind and let your mind busy having something else to think about instead of the craving.