Sex Got Easiler And Love Got Difficult To Get

Nidhin Chand
Jul 15, 2019   •  2 views

True love is one of the hardest thing to get today. Now a days love is considered as a way or a medium to have sex. After fulfilling there sexual pleasure they will go for another person. This aspects not only affects the loved one , but also construct the mind of that person ,not to fell in love anymore . thus a truelove is been destroyed. Love is one of the greatest feeling that we all have got through in our lifetime. But now things got changed. Love is a deadly trap that everyone fear of been felt into. It is consider as a curse to be lover. This social construction is been imprinted into oru society due to the harassment and sexual malfunction carryed out in the name of love.

Post sexual activties, drugs , illegal abortions, prostitution etc is been done with in the umbrealla term of love. Why is it so?. Do you guys ever think of it?.Do you have been through any of these in your past?.Dont you need a true love in your life?.. Think ! Love is eternal ..its not a medium for sex.

