Passenger announcement in progress: " Ladies & Gentlemen, Boys & Girls, Please fasten your seat belts as we are going travel 20 years back in time and it may be a bumpy ride.”
The year 1999: Most of us wake up to the sound of our mothers’ melodious voice chanting prayers or that of Door darshan, the only channel that existed at that time. You did your daily chores and left the house. Men went to work, women stayed back at home and kids went to school. As the sun starts to set, everybody came back home, had their dinner and went to bed.
Traveling back to the future, the year is 2019: You wake up in the morning, reach for your phone, spend a good amount of time checking your social media feed, then order yourself some breakfast from the smartphone application that delivers food to your doorstep. Next, you go take a shower, Alas, there is no mobile application yet that can do that for you. You leave the house browsing through the various news trending on your smartphone. It's six o'clock in the evening, your phone reminds you that you have an Uber waiting to take you home. Once home, you order yourself dinner from the same app with which you ordered breakfast. Then you Netflix and hit the sack when an alarm goes off that prompts you that it's time to sleep.
So what exactly is this thing that in the past 20 years has gained control of us humans? Is it the smart-phone? Yes, it is partly the smartphone. But what makes the smartphone so savvy? The Inter-Net. The internet or the web, as it is otherwise known, is this never-ending cluster of knowledge, facts, and figures. Today, the internet has quite literally brought the world at our fingertips. Gone are the times when one had to wait long hours in a queue to get a job done. Although the advancements brought about by the internet have received an abundant share of hatred from the past generation, stating that the internet is making the Millennials lazy, less creative and shrinking their brains. Whatever said and done, the internet is certainly here to stay. The benefits of the Internet definitely outweigh the drawbacks of it.Just imagine, if used properly, it can be used to cut down on the monthly bills, to educate , to communicate, to increase the reach of your business and most importantly to earn money.
This is a new era, the era run by the internet and it is here to stay.
"Every time there is a new tool, whether its the internet or cell phones or anything else, all these things can be used for good or evil. Technology is neutral; it depends on how it's used."
- Rick Smolan