You Are Missing Out On These Types Of Coffee!

Aishwarya Sankar
Feb 21, 2019   •  6 views

Being an ardent coffee lover, it is a sin to not write about coffee. Coffee is my go-to buddy at all crisis. Everything seems better with a coffee beside me.

Coffee is stated to have it's origin at Yemen, though the plants were observed in Ethiopia for the first time. Enough of history!

What's so special about coffee?

Basically coffee is a brewed drink and due to the caffeine content, it stimulates our brain to be active and facilitates clear thinking. Some researches show that coffee reduces the risk of being affected by certain diseases like Parkinson's disease, Type 2 diabetes, etc.

What are the different types of coffee?

Most of the Indians don't feel confident enough to customise things as per their requirement. This is a common mentality. It is due to various reasons like laziness, socially shy feeling and such.

Coffee offers a variety of options too and Indians hardly make use of it.

1. Espresso

This gives the actual coffee experience. It has no milk and it's not everyone's preference too. A perfect espresso is not bitter or acidic but has a balanced earthy flavour.

2. Latte

This is sweeter than espresso. Latte is nothing but a result of adding steamed milk and foam to espresso. This one has a wider audience than the former. The picture above depicts the accurate way of serving Latte. Latte and Cappuccino look alike these days.

3. Cappuccino

This is the most popular type of coffee and highly preferable. Italians have it as a part of their breakfast. It's so similar to Latte and the only difference is that it has more foam than Latte.

4. Mocha

This is the sweetest among all because it's a mix of Cappuccino and chocolate syrup or powder. This is the intermediate between the Hot chocolate and Latte.

5. Flat white

It's similar to Latte but the espresso is dominant over the milk. It has lesser foam than that of Latte. Mastering it is not everyone's cup of tea.

These are some of the common types of coffee that have a huge audience. I am also sure that most of you would have stuck to any one type of coffee(which must be one among the types listed). You must try the others too to see what you were missing.

I mean, What have you got to lose? Just go for it.

Treat your taste buds and don't miss to catch the aroma.
