Life you live must be the life you choose. Whatever you are chasing should get you peace. That’s all you have to keep in mind. Life is much easier when we have a mate to just stand by us. A person who might not advice us the best probable solutions, but would instead listen to the solutions we want to choose among.In this life, what we all are running behind is something we have a picture of, which is as blur as the mirror of an old house where nobody lives. And so we end up being unplanned. Clean the mirror.Aim the vision.

Decide the vibe. Can you be kinder? More stronger? Compassionate? Are you living the best of your life? Decide now.

Live your desires. Seek your heart. Listen to your soul, where does it want you to lead to. If whatever we do doesn’t satisfies at the end of the day, then the hardwork is not payed back.Love what you do, else do what you love. Run after happiness. Run after wisdom. Get hold of people whose existence doesn’t just helps you rely on your own self, but builds your confidence not for words but for anonymous wonders you are going to create in future. Run with this person. Let them be with you.

Sometimes you will fall, but they will wait for you to rise own your own. They see you striving for your goals. This person hopes for your strike. Maybe not as much as you do. But their part always matter.Their existence makes you, YOU. One seek comfort around them.

World is something you need to feel like you own it.Conquer your goals.Feel bliss in the arms of your person when you have seized the era. Your time comes when they are with you. Maybe distant but with you. Run. Keep running unless you are at exhilaration for your achievement.Run for what grabs you fun, gaiety, and thrive in life.

Run. Chase. Grab. Become.

