Feeling Low? Do These Things To Lift Your Mood

Mukul Tumung
Feb 14, 2019   •  11 views

What was the last time you were really unhappy? Probably a few minutes ago, probably right now. Sure thing is, you know very well what 'being down' feels like. World is a strange place. You cannot say for certain if a person, any person is happy or not, but one thing you can be sure of. He has been sad at least once in his life. Sadness in life, like death, is inevitable, while happiness might not necessarily be so.

Students anywhere in the world have a lot of reasons to be unhappy from time to time. Andsince I am a student(aren't we all?), I know these pretty well. Low marks in exam, bullying, parental pressure, inability to understand concepts, and the list goes on and on.....

But just think about it for a second. Whether you are a student or not, problems and unhappiness surely form a large portion of your life. Did you do anything about it? Did you do anything to cheer yourself up every time you feel low? Did youactivelytry to improve your mood? Do you even know what might cheer you up?

This is mainly what this post is about. Its about people, like me, who frequently get upset and want to relieve their sadness in effective ways immediately. So, if you are utterly content with your life and have absolutely nothing to fear, or, feel discomfort about, this post will probably not benefit you. Others, read on......

1. Songs:This might seem really simplistic and silly, but I am serious. Whenever you are happy, listen to songs. Whenever you are sad, listen to the same songs again. You will be blown away by how 'un'sad and happy you would feel after listening to the songs. You can try it right now. Just google some songs you used to hear when you were a toddler, or heard a long time ago during a joyous festival,like Dussehra, or Diwali, in your childhood, or even, say, a year ago. Listen to these now, and try to gauge exactly how you feel. You would feel like you felt when you first heard it. And since, I was talking about songs you heard during festivals, or those you used to listen while being a child, the associated feelings with those songs would be that of happiness. You cannot help but smile while these songs are playing.

2. Helping others:I might sound like a preacher while saying this, but you must help others if you want to attain bliss. And this help might be anything. See a fellow student struggling with a problem? offer to help him. See a delivery man trip and scatter all his deliveries on the street? Be the first to pick them up.See a person fall from his bike in a comical way? Go help him while others are busy laughing at him. Its always useful to laughwithpeople and notatthem. This makes all the difference in the world. Selfless people are most often happier than selfish ones. That is because they have a clear conscience and know that they have given back something to the society. Trust me on this. Giving back feels good. So much so, that I almost wish someone were in trouble whenever I am around, just so I can help them and get the awesome feeling of fulfillment of helping others.

3. Know yourself:Try your best and know that you have done so. Before an exam, a project submission or presentation, or even after the results are out,try to fish out the fundamentals of why you did what you did. If you did well, why? Could you do better?

And if you did not do well, ask yourself, did you really give your 100%? If not, stop worrying and try to give in as much effort as you can later. And if you did give your 100%, then be proud of yourself for doing so. If you truly know yourself, you would be able to gauge if you excel at a particular thing, or suck at it. And knowing that, is half the battle won.

4. Enjoy the small things:I know that this point sounds cliched(it is), but there is no way I will not mention it. To stay happy, one must notice the small things and take pleasure in them. Things like, a bird made a nest today, the neighbour's new TV came, etc. Just keep searching for things that make you happy and be so.

5)Enjoy fiction:Watch a TV series, or read novels, at least for some time weekly. Itwould do three things. It would make you happy and would bust stress, it would open you up to new ideas and facts as you would comprehend and absorb the mentality and thinking process of the creators of the fiction along the way, and lastly, it would connect you to a vast network of communities that watch or read the same works of fiction. Interacting with such a community is really exhilerating and educating. Plus, it would also help you connect to people easily and give you topics of conversation. In this regard, I would recommend 'HOUSE MD'. The show has great dialogues and onecan learn a lot.

