English And Saving The Mother Language

Mayank Gosai
Feb 17, 2019   •  1 view

International World mother langauge day is on 21st february. As the day arrives, different surveys related to it are popping out.

There has been a drastic decrease, of the Civil Services Examination, in students applying from Local languages which means English is more preferred. These local languages include Hindi and other native languages.

Now the question arises is that whether these surveys were conducted outside India. Yes, the surveys were Indian based.

Other question arises is that 'is the teaching quality of HINDI and other languages so downgraded and defamed that the students are unable to Pass in the subjects.

It is easy to reconsider the fact that the English medium schools have students who are more smart, more engaged with studies and have always been enthusiastic towards proving their talents. They eventully do well. This performance was more prominently observed in surveys.

Civil Services Examination
The students getting selected are mainly from Engineering and Medical fields where English is the only language and no other students studying in local language are nowehere visible.

But the problem lies here. The student studying History and Political Science have in-depth knowledge of the local language and they have better Social skills. But they don't score good marks.

As a consequence, the students from Engineering and Medical field are not capable enough to oppose the System and further to avoid controversies, they accept all the New policies without debating over them. They never act as Bureaucrats because they never understand the local social problems.

English is a compulsion for the employment and therefore if we don't cling on to English language, competing on a global level becomes difficult. English langauge is the common connecting link with the whole world. English language is therefore called universal language.

In competitive exams, the study material and books are written in English so this makes it more relevant even if English langauge is difficult to learn.

So even if the most patriotic bureaucrats fight for their mother tongue, the people would never choose to not give English as a preference and move towards their local language.

Only China stands alone and strict in following their native language as official, and converting every English material into Chinese. This way the integrity can be maintained. In the case of India, Hindi should be given higher priority by converting every knowledge containing materialinto Hindi and promoting it more.

